Exercises about articles in Spanish

Understanding how to use articles is essential for speaking and writing Spanish accurately, because articles help define whether you’re talking about something specific or general, and they’re a crucial part of forming correct sentences. For these reasons, in this page you can find a wide range of online exercises about articles in Spanish that will help you learn and practice using Spanish articles with confidence, whether you’re just starting out or looking to perfect your skills.

What will you learn?

Definite articles: practice using “el”, “la”, “los”, and “las” to refer to specific nouns in Spanish with exercises that will help you understand how to use them.

Indefinite articles: learn how to use “un”, “una”, “unos” and “unas” to refer to non-specific nouns.

Gender and number agreement: understand the rules of agreement between articles and nouns in Spanish with exercises that cover how to match articles with the correct gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural).

Omitting articles: exercises that will help you identify situations where you can drop the article or not, making your sentences sound more natural and fluent.

Common mistakes and tips: learn to avoid common mistakes when using articles (such as mixing up “el” and “la” or confusing “unos” with “algunos”). with exercises that include tips to help you master these tricky areas.

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