Food and cooking in Spanish 1 – Word Scramble

The Food and cooking in Spanish 1 – Word Scramble is an online game where you unscramble words to form sentences related to food and cooking. This will help you to practice vocabulary about this topic in Spanish.

First of all, you have to look at the the picture. Then you have to choose the correct order of the words from the list of buttons on the left to form the sentence in Spanish.

You can see the score (puntos) at the top and and the button “Borrar” (Delete) to delete previously selected words and start the sentence again. When you have written the sentence, click on the “Comprobar(Check) button.

For each correct sentence you earn one point, up to a total of five points. If you write the correct sentence, you will hear it.

Are you ready? ¡Vamos allá!

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