List of 100 Common Spanish Verbs

Learning Spanish verbs can be confusing if you are a beginner and you don’t really know where to start. For that reason, a list of basic verbs can help you get started with your learning. Here we have gathered 100 basic Spanish verbs that are widely used in this language. The verbs you can find on this list are regular and irregular.

ser: to be
estar: to be
poder: can, to be able to
hacer: to do, to make
tener: to have
saber: to know
conocer: to know
ir: to go
llegar: to arrive

venir: to come
volver: to go back, to come back
traer: to bring
ver: to see, to watch
oír: to hear

escuchar: to listen
vivir: to live
morir: to die
nacer: be born
preguntar: to ask

entender: to understand
empezar, comenzar: to begin
acabar, finalizar: to finish
terminar: to end, to finish
poner: to put
hablar: to speak, to talk
decir: to say, to tell
querer: to want
comer: to eat
dormir: to sleep
beber: to drink
dar: to give
regalar: to give
necesitar: to need
disfrutar: to enjoy
esperar: to expect, to wait, to hope
ayudar: to help


elegir: to choose
encontrar: to find
coger*, agarrar, tomar: to catch, to take
tomar: to take, to have
costar: to cost
soñar: to dream
sentir: to feel
prohibir: to forbid
olvidar: to forget
conseguir: to get
aprender: to learn

asistir: to attend
respondercontestar: to answer
doler: to hurt
guardar: to keep
marcharse: to leave
abrir: to open
cerrar: to close
pagar: to pay
leer: to read
pensar: to think
intentar: to try, to attempt
evitar: to avoid
llamar: to call
llevar: to carry
comprobar: to check
confundir: to confuse
preocupar: to concern
continuar: to continue
besar: to kiss
cantar: to sing
bailar: to dance
suceder, pasar: to happen
imaginar: to imagine
explicar: to explain

estar de acuerdo: to agree
no estar de acuerdo, estar en desacuerdo: to disagree
cocinar: to cook
limpiar: to clean
quejarse: to complain
ducharse: to take a shower
cepillarse: to brush
peinarse: to comb
aburrirse: to bore
descubrir: to discover
gustar: to like
no gustar: to dislike
odiar: to hate
dudar: to doubt
ganar: to win, to earn
animar: to encourage

entrar: to enter, to get in, to come in
salir: to leave, to exit, to go out
hacer ejercicio: to exercise
abrazar: to hug
mejorar: to improve
aprobar: to pass
suspender: to fail
apetecer: to fancy
reír: to laugh
sonreír: to smile
llorar: to cry
seguir: to follow
escribir: to write
comprar: to buy

*The verb coger is used in Spain with the meaning “to catch”, but in other Spanish speaking countries this verb has a sexual meaning and they use other verbs like agarrar o tomar

Exercises and quizzes about Spanish common verbs

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