African animals in Spanish

Learning vocabulary related to African animals in Spanish is useful for students because it helps build vocabulary in an engaging and effective way. African animals are commonly featured in stories, documentaries and conversations, making this vocabulary practical and relevant when you are learning Spanish.

Additionally, this topic is an accessible entry topic that also enhances cultural knowledge, as many of these animals are iconic in global contexts, bridging language learning with real-world topics.

So if you want to learn or practice this vocabulary, don’t miss the content of this post, where you will find a vocabulary list, images and related activities.

African animals in Spanish

Los animales de África

Here you can read the names of some African animals, los animales de África or los animales africanos in Spanish.

Español English
León Lion
Elefante Elephant
Jirafa Giraffe
Cebra Zebra
Hiena Hyena
Rinoceronte Rhinoceros
Leopardo Leopard
Cocodrilo Crocodile
Ñu Wildebeest
Hipopótamo Hippopotamus
Avestruz Ostrich
Escorpión Scorpion
Gacela Gazelle

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