Vocabulary about festivities and celebrations in Spanish

Understanding vocabulary about festivities and celebrations in Spanish is a great way to immerse yourself in the culture and celebrate traditions like Christmas, Halloween, Easter and local festivals of the different Spanish-speaking countries.

Whether you’re planning to join in the festivities or simply want to learn more about how they are celebrated, on this page you will find lessons to learn more about them in Spanish. These lessons include explanations, examples, interactive content and more.

What will you learn?

Essential vocabulary for major holidays: learn the basics of popular festivities, including terms like “Navidad” (Christmas), “Año Nuevo” (New Year), “Halloween,” “Pascua” (Easter) and “Día de San Valentín” (Valentine’s Day). These lessons introduce you to essential words and phrases to help you understand and talk about these celebrations in Spanish.

Traditions and festive activities: learn how to describe traditions and activities associated with each holiday, such as “decorar el árbol de Navidad” (decorate the Christmas tree), “pedir dulces” (trick-or-treating), “cantar villancicos” (sing Christmas carols) or “huevos de Pascua” (Easter eggs). These lessons will guide you through the customs and practices of various festivities.

Cultural celebrations across the Spanish-speaking world: learn about important local festivities celebrated in Spanish-speaking countries, like “Día de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) in Mexico, “Las Fallas” in Spain, “Carnaval” in many countries or “La Feria de Abril” in Seville, among others. These lessons help you understand the vocabulary, traditions and cultural significance of these events.

Expressions and holiday wishes: master how to express holiday wishes and greetings in Spanish such as “Feliz Navidad” (Merry Christmas), “¡Feliz Año Nuevo!” (Happy New Year!) and more.

Talking about food and decorations: learn vocabulary for traditional foods, decorations and objects, including “pavo” (turkey), “pan de muerto” (Day of the Dead bread) or “disfraz” (costume), “luces navideñas” (Christmas lights) or “calabaza” (pumpkin). These lessons prepare you to talk about all the delicious treats and beautiful decorations associated with different festivities across the world.

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