In this post we are going to see a list with the names of the European countries in Spanish that also includes the name of these countries in English.
It is important to remember that countries in Spanish are written with uppercase like in English. However, if we want to write nationalities of European countries in Spanish, we have to do with lowercase.
Country in English | Country in Spanish |
Spain | España |
Italy | Italia |
France | Francia |
Portugal | Portugal |
Turkey | Turquía |
Russia | Rusia |
Ukraine | Ucrania |
Kazakhstan | Kazajistán |
Germany | Alemania |
Sweden | Suecia |
Finland | Finlandia |
Denmark | Dinamarca |
Norway | Noruega |
Iceland | Islandia |
United Kingdom | Reino Unido |
England | Inglaterra |
Scotland | Escocia |
Wales | Gales |
Ireland | Irlanda |
Poland | Polonia |
Greece | Grecia |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Romania | Rumania |
Belarus | Bielorrusia |
Moldova | Moldavia |
Austria | Austria |
Switzerland | Suiza |
Belgium | Bélgica |
Hungary | Hungría |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaiyán |
Armenia | Armenia |
Serbia | Serbia |
Albania | Albania |
Macedonia | Macedonia |
Czech Republic | República Checa |
Monaco | Mónaco |
San Marino | San Marino |
Georgia | georgiano |
Croatia | Croacia |
Lithuania | Lituania |
Latvia | Letonia |
Estonia | Estonia |
Bosnia | Bosnia |
Slovakia | Eslovaquia |
Netherlands | Países Bajos |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
Malta | Malta |
Slovenia | Eslovenia |
Montenegro | Montenegro |
Cyprus | Chipre |
Luxembourg | Luxemburgo |
Andorra | Andorra |