Vocabulary about the health in Spanish

Talking about health is an essential part of everyday life, whether you’re visiting a doctor, discussing well-being or learning about healthy habits. The vocabulary about the health in Spanish helps you communicate effectively in medical settings, describe symptoms, understand treatments and talk about other health-related topics.

On this page you will find lessons with explanations, interactive content and other material that will help you understand a wide range of vocabulary, from common illnesses and symptoms to treatments, wellness, and healthy lifestyles. 

What will you learn with these lessons?

Common health terms: start by learning essential health-related vocabulary, including words like “salud” (health), “enfermedad” (illness), “síntoma” (symptom), “tratamiento” (treatment) and “cura” (cure). These lessons will help you build a solid foundation of basic health terms in Spanish.

Illnesses and conditions: expand your vocabulary with names of common illnesses and conditions such as “gripe” (flu), “alergia” (allergy), “dolor de cabeza” (headache), “fiebre” (fever) and “asma” (asthma). These lessons also include phrases to describe symptoms clearly and accurately.

Symptoms and descriptions: understand how to describe various symptoms like “tos” (cough), “mareo” (dizziness), “náuseas” (nausea) and “dolor” (pain). These lessons also provide phrases for describing how you feel, so you can communicate effectively in healthcare situations.

Medical visits and check-ups: learn vocabulary and phrases for doctor visits, such as “cita médica” (doctor’s appointment), “examen” (check-up), “receta” (prescription) and “medicina” (medicine). Theese lessons help you understand and participate in conversations with healthcare professionals.

Healthy lifestyles and wellness: practice vocabulary related to wellness and healthy living, including words like “ejercicio” (exercise), “alimentación” (nutrition), “descanso” (rest) and “hábitos saludables” (healthy habits). These lessons provide practical content to discuss fitness, diets and mental well-being.

Emergency and first aid vocabulary: be prepared to talk about emergencies with essential terms like “emergencia” (emergency), “hospital”, “ambulancia” (ambulance), “primeros auxilios” (first aid) and “urgencias” (emergency room). These lessons help you talk and respond appropriately in urgent situations.

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