We are going to learn vocabulary about the kitchen in Spanish, la cocina, and also the names of the different appliances (called in Spanish electrodomésticos) and furniture you commonly find in this part of the house.
The first thing you need to know is how to say “the kitchen” in Spanish: la cocina.
Look at the following image and interact with it. Click on the different furniture and appliances of this kitchen: you will see their names and, in some cases, you will hear them too. After this image you can see an extended list of vocabulary that includes more useful words about the kitchen in Spanish with their translation into English.
Main parts of the kitchen in Spanish
el armario: cabinet
el cajón: drawer
el estante: shelf
la encimera: worktop
el frente de cocina / el salpicadero: splashback
el fregadero: sink
el grifo: tap
Kitchen appliances in Spanish
el frigorífico / la nevera: fridge
el congelador: freezer
el frigorífico congelador: fridge-freezer
la (placa) vitrocerámica: ceramic hob
el microondas: microwave oven
la tostadora / el tostador: toaster
el robot de cocina: food processor
el lavavajillas / el lavaplatos / el friegaplatos: dishwasher
el horno: oven
el extractor / la campana extractora: extractor
la batidora: blender
la batidora de mano: hand blender
la licuadora: juice extractor
el hervidor (de agua): kettle
Kitchen items in Spanish
el plato: plate
la cuchara: spoon
el tenedor: fork
la cucharilla (del café): teaspoon
el cuchillo: knife
el vaso: glass
la cristalería: glassware
la jarra: jug
la taza: mug
la taza de café: coffee cup
la taza de té: teacup
la tetera: teapot
el bol: bowl
la servilleta: napkin
el escurridor de platos: draining board
el escurridor: colander
el colador: sieve
la tabla para cortar: chopping board
el rallador: grater
el cucharón: ladle
la cuchara para servir: serving spoon
la espumadera: slotted spoon
el batidor de varillas: whisk
la espátula: spatula
la cuchara de madera: wooden spoon
el mortero: mortar
la sartén (ES), el sartén (AML): frying pan
el cazo: saucepan
la olla: cooking pot
la cazuela: casserole dish
el termo: thermos flask
la bandeja: tray
la bandeja de horno: baking tray
el molde para magdalenas: muffin tray
la manopla: oven glove
el agarrador: potholder
el delantal: apron
el rodillo (de cocina): rolling pin
la manga pastelera: piping bag