Understanding the geometric shapes in Spanish is a useful skill for many situations, particularly when you are describing objects around you. On this page you will find lessons related to basic shapes but also some about more complex figures and terms. These lessons provide explanations, images and interactive content, so don’t hesitate to check them if you want to learn the shapes in Spanish and be more confident when talking about this topic.
What will you learn?
Basic geometric shapes: learn the essentials, including “círculo” (circle), “cuadrado” (square), “triángulo” (triangle), “rectángulo” (rectangle) or “óvalo” (oval).
More complex shapes and figures: discover how to talk about more complex shapes like “pentágono” (pentagon), “hexágono” (hexagon), “octágono” (octagon), “rombo” (rhombus) and “trapecio” (trapezoid). These lessons make it easy to expand your vocabulary and describe more detailed shapes in Spanish.
3D shapes and solids: learn how to describe three-dimensional shapes such as “esfera” (sphere), “cubo” (cube), “pirámide” (pyramid), “cilindro” (cylinder) and “cono” (cone). These lessons help you talk about shapes in a more comprehensive way.
Describing shapes and their properties: learn vocabulary to describe the properties of shapes, including “lados” (sides), “ángulos” (angles), “vértices” (vertices), “diámetro” (diameter) and “radio” (radius). This vocabulary help you understand how to talk about the characteristics and measurements of different geometric figures.
Shapes in everyday life and design: learn how to identify and describe shapes you see in everyday life, from “ventanas redondas” (round windows) to “mesas cuadradas” (square tables). These lessons include practical examples that prepare you to use shape-related vocabulary when talking about objects, art or even architecture.