In this page we are going to see vocabulary about vegetables in Spanish. You can see an interactive image of a greengrocery, verdulería in Spanish. Choose a vegetable from the store and place it on top of the scale to see and hear its name. Below this, you will find a list with more names of vegetables in Spanish.
Vocabulary list of the vegetables in Spanish
In this list you can find the names of different vegetables in Spanish with their English translation. You’ve already seen many of them at the greengrocery.
la patata: potato
la coliflor: cauliflower
la alcachofa: artichoke
la cebolla: onion
el pimiento: pepper
el ajo: garlic
la berenjena: aubergine, eggplant
el tomate: tomato
el tomate cherry: cherry tomato
la zanahoria: carrot
el boniato: sweet potato
la calabaza: pumpkin
los guisantes: peas
el champiñón: mushroom
el pepino: cucumber
el calabacín: courgette, zucchini
el maíz dulce: sweetcorn
el apio: celery
el nabo: turnip
la remolacha: beetroot
la lechuga: lettuce
la espinaca: spinach
la acelga : Swiss chard
el brócoli: broccoli
la col: cabbage
el puerro: leek
la col de Bruselas: Brussels sprout
la col rizada: kale
la escarola: escarole, endive
la guindilla: chilli pepper
los brotes de soja: bean sprouts
el berro: watercress
el colinabo: kohirabi
el rábano: radish
el ñame: yam
el rábano picante: horseradish
el chalote: shallot
la chirivía: parsnip
la trufa: truffle
la endibia: chicory
los palmitos: palm hearts
el hinojo: fennel
la haba: broad bean
la judía verde: green bean
el bambú: bamboo
la berza: spring greens, collard greens
los espárragos: the asparagus